Think You Had a Bad Day!

Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” Job 1:22 Have you ever had a bad day? I mean a REALLY bad day? I am certain no one has ever experience a day quite like the Old Testament character, Job. His life experience was so incredible that a whole book of the Bible wasContinue reading “Think You Had a Bad Day!”

It’s Horrible

Four and one-half weeks I had cardio bypass surgery. Many people who had or knew people who had the surgery said the worst part of the surgery was the recovery process. Words like “horrible,” terrible” “tough” were frequently used to describe the recovery. But like many words they can have relative meaning. I wasn’t sureContinue reading “It’s Horrible”

The Pandemic Panic

There is no question; we are living in difficult times. 2 Timothy 3:1 Social distancing, school and business closings, isolation are all new to me. If I were to sum up what we are going through in one word; it would be the word – fear. People are fearful. They are in a panic. ButContinue reading “The Pandemic Panic”

God With You

  Somewhere the Church has wrongfully presented the Gospel as the answer to all your problems. If you repent of your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior; God will protect you and you will never face any difficulty. As they say down South, “Sorry but it ain’t so!” Country western singer Charlie PrideContinue reading “God With You”

Tight Squeeze

Most of us have heard the expression “between a rock and a hard place.”  The dictionary defines this phrase as “facing  two equally unpleasant, dangerous, or risky alternatives where the avoidance of one ensures the encountering of the harm of the other.”  Jacob facing an angry brother;  Israel facing Red Sea; We have all been atContinue reading “Tight Squeeze”

He Will Not Leave You

You don’t have to be alive very long to hit some rough waters. Everybody’s boat gets rocked from time to time. The wind blows like crazy and you might even take on water. The temptation is to freak out and wonder how—or if—you’ll make it to the other side. Storms are part of the journey.Continue reading “He Will Not Leave You”

Knocked Down but Not Knocked Out

I am sure that all of us can remember a favorite toy we received at Christmas. To be honest I probably had several “favorites” but the one toy that I remember most was a sock-em-bounce-back clown. No matter how hard or which direction you hit it, it would always bounce back. I may be stretchingContinue reading “Knocked Down but Not Knocked Out”

What Are You Afraid of?

When America was attacked by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor, President Franklin D. Roosevelt went before Congress to ask them to declare war. In his speech, he said, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself!”  That may make a great political speech and it might stir people’s patriotism but unfortunately it is not true.Continue reading “What Are You Afraid of?”