The Dying Church

There is no question that the last two years have been difficult on every front and nowhere is that seen more clearly that in our churches. Attendance in most churches has been declining for many years. Experts said in 2020 they expected 380,000 churches to close. Each month 250 pastors leave the ministry. The averageContinue reading “The Dying Church”

I Am Too Busy

If someone asks “How are you?” we no longer say “Fine” or “I’m well, thank you.” We often simply reply “Busy!” And I am sure they were speaking the truth. Americans are working longer hours than at any time since statistics have been kept, but now they are also working longer than anyone else inContinue reading “I Am Too Busy”

What You Talking About?

In 1986,  a child actor named Gary Coleman started in a Television program called “Diff’rent Strokes.’ His spunky attitude and signature catch phrase — “Whatchoo talkin’ ’bout, Willis?” — endeared him to audiences and helped him gain more roles.  It may sound obvious to say that our words matter but I’m not convinced that we reallyContinue reading “What You Talking About?”

Success or Failure?

There is no question that our culture worships at the altar of success. We love rags-to-riches stories. We swallow the world’s lie that the person with the biggest bank account, largest mansion, most expensive car and who is the CEO of a Fortune 500 company is a success.  In the “religious” world, the church withContinue reading “Success or Failure?”

Familiar Road?

This past Sunday, the Christian Church celebrated Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem prior to Easter Sunday. The story is so familiar to most of us, I am afraid that we have lost sight of the important due to the familiar. The disciples had walked this familiar road many, many times.   Jesus was familiar with this roadContinue reading “Familiar Road?”